After speaking with Edward James Olmos you just feel better. The unbelievable talented actor gives you not only rich observations about the film industry, but also inspirational concepts about life itself. His new movie is the action comedy 2 Guns (in theaters Aug. 2), where he plays a ruthless but multilayered Mexican Cartel leader ‘Papi Greco’. Stop reading me and enjoy the words of el maestro in this exclusive interview.
Desde Hollywood: 2 Guns is a big and fun action movie. You also do smaller films like Filly Brown and some TV. Is this the perfect balance for you right now?
Edward James Olmos: Yeah. I think this is an interesting time for doing a major motion picture. It’s the only thing that really gives you exposure right now. Filly Brown did really well, but only in certain markets. I think 2 Guns is going to be very well received, specially by the Latino community, which is the largest film-going audience in the country.
DH: When you are offered a villain, do you consider it more carefully before saying ‘yes‘?
Edward James Olmos: Yes, I consider all my roles very carefully. They will stay here a lot longer than I will. Many movie drug lords are caricatures of themselves. Papi Greco fights to the death to protect his family and what he has built. He knows that there is a market for his product and if he doesn’t feed that demand somebody else will.
The character is very tough. When the movie starts audiences are amazed when they find the people that are actually pulling the strings. You are going to be surprised at what you learn from it. It paints a pretty clear picture of the world that Papi Greco lives in. He knows everything, the audience and the protagonists just think they do until they learn.
DH: Talking about knowing everything, after many years do you still learn things from younger actors like these two?
Edward James Olmos: Of course, every day. When you are in your twenties, you think that you know a lot. When you are in your thirties, you really know that you know a lot. In your forties, you start realizing that you don’t. Then in your fifties you are humble enough to say “I don’t know anything”. In your sixties, the only thing you can do is to study, read and learn as much as you can because there isn’t much time and you really don’t know that much.
DH: Washington and Wahlberg are young versions of previous iconic actors. Is there a young Latino actor that you think can become the Edward James Olmos of the future?
Edward James Olmos: Of course! They are everywhere, if they get the opportunity to grow. That is the key. It is very difficult because there isn’t enough availability for Latino actors to grow and become who they are.
“For 12 months, DEA agent Robert “Bobby” Trench (Washington) and U.S. naval intelligence officer Michael “Stig” Stigman (Wahlberg) have been reluctantly attached at the hip. Working undercover as members of a narcotics syndicate, each man distrusts his partner as much as the criminals they have both been tasked to take down.
When their attempt to infiltrate a Mexican drug cartel and recover millions goes haywire, Bobby and Stig are suddenly disavowed by their respective superiors. Now that everyone wants them in jail or in the ground, the only person they can count on is the other. Unfortunately for their pursuers, when good guys spend years pretending to be bad, they pick up a few tricks along the way.”
2 Guns is in theaters Aug. 2. Read what Olmos told us about Star Wars and Blade Runner 2 here.