
Robert Rodriguez is the master of his own universe: a place were femme fatales, reluctant heroes, and despicable villains collide in outrageous ways. Machete Kills (in theaters this Friday, Oct. 11) is the latest movie to come from the mind of the Mexican-American that brought us the El Mariachi and Spi-Kids trilogies.

Sofía Vergara, Danny Trejo, Antonio Banderas and more members of the cast talk about Rodriguez in one of the two new featurettes. The video centers on the ladies that walk this testosterone heavy piece of “mex-ploitation”. Also, and talking about ladies, take a look at a character poster with Alexa Vega. Yes, kids grow fast.


“Danny Trejo returns as ex-Federal agent Machete, who is recruited by the President of the United States (Charlie Sheen) for a mission which would be impossible for any mortal man – he must take down a madman revolutionary and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer (Mel Gibson) who has hatched a plan to spread war across the planet.”