Ender’s Game Advance Screening Giveaway: Win Guaranteed-Seat Passes for 2! Enter this movie giveaway for a chance to win 2 guaranteed seat passes (no...
Escape Plan Review: Arnold and Sly Lively in a Tomb What do you do if you have fought the biggest adversaries (human and of...
Grudge Match: Sylvester Stallone, Robert De Niro and Kevin Hart Character Posters All fans have fantasized with imaginary confrontations between characters...
Recent Spanish Cinema Video Entrevistas: Hugo Silva, Carlos Bardem, Cesc Gay, Tito Valverde Del Miércoles 16 al Sábado 19 de Octubre se celebra en el corazón de...
Michael Bay Attacked by ‘a Zombie in Brad Pitt’s Movie’ on the Set of Transformers 4 Michael Bay has produced incredibly action sequences in 3D, making us react...
Watch Zack Snyder’s Superman Animated Short: Obscure References In, ‘Returns’ Out Condensing 75 years in 2 minutes is an incredibly difficult task, even for...
10 Coolest Photos of Tom Hiddleston Spreading the Love in ‘Thor: The Dark World’ Tour We already knew that Tom Hiddleston was a nice guy. But after seeing the...
5 Films to See at The Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival (Oct. 10-14) The 16th Los Angeles Latino International Film Festival starts in the heart...
Ghost Team One: Divertida Video Entrevista a Fernanda Romero, Carlos Santos y J.R. Villareal Luego de la positiva acogida que tuvo la comedia con elementos paranormales...
Machete Kills: Featurettes on Robert Rodriguez and The Ladies + Alexa Vega Poster Robert Rodriguez is the master of his own universe: a place were femme...