As far as I know, Singapore-born Chin Han is the only actor that has been part of both the current Marvel Cinematic Universe and the DC/Warner Bros. movies guided by Christopher Nolan. He played the shadowy accountant ‘Lau’ in “The Dark Knight” and he was ‘Councilman Yen’ in “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.” Here are a couple of stills to refresh your memory.
At a recent red carpet in Universal Studios I had the chance to speak with the experienced Asian talent (who has also appear on the TV show “Arrow”). I asked him about the main difference between both approaches and if he was excited to see Ben Affleck’s take of the Cape Crusader in the upcoming “Man of Steel” sequel, AKA “Batman vs. Superman.”
For someone who English is his second language, I found him extremely articulate, concising both topics in just a few seconds. Do you agree with him? Has Marvel been more faithful to the comics, but has Nolan taken bolder steps to push the genre forward in his adaptations?