There are tough places in the cinematic universe, but nothing like Frank Miller’s brutal and stylized creation. In “Sin City: A Dame to Kill For” (out Aug. 22) Robert Rodriguez brings some of the key players from the original movie back for more -mostly- black and white action and sex.

Watch Jessica Alba (Nancy Callahan), Bruce Willis (John Hartigan) and Mickey Rourke (Marv) in a new clip.


“In a town where justice doesn’t prevail, the desperate want vengeance and ruthless murderers find themselves with vigilantes on their heels. Their paths cross when they converge on Sin City’s famous Kadie’s Club Pecos.

The film opens with fan-favorite “Just Another Saturday Night,” when Marv (Mickey Rourke) finds himself in the center of carnage as he tries to remember the events leading up to it.

“The Long, Bad Night” tells the tale of Johnny, a cocky young gambler (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) on a winning streak taking his chances with the biggest bastard of them all, Senator Roark (Powers Boothe).

The central story, Miller’s critically acclaimed “A Dame To Kill For,” has Dwight McCarthy (Josh Brolin) facing his final confrontation with the woman of his dreams and his nightmares, Ava Lord (Eva Green).

“Nancy’s Last Dance” follows Nancy Callahan (Jessica Alba) in the wake of John Hartigan’s (Bruce Willis) death. On a downward spiral filled with grief, she will stop at nothing to get revenge.”