Desde Hollywood was invited to participate in the press conference for CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD, the latest chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
In attendance were producer and Marvel Studios head, Kevin Feige, director Julius Onah, producer Nate Moore, and cast members Anthony Mackie, Danny Ramirez, Harrison Ford, Xosha Roquemore, Shira Haas, Giancarlo Esposito, and Tim Blake Nelson.
Read what they reveal below!
CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD opens in theaters this Friday, February 14.
Anthony, what was the most important takeaway for you personally in taking up the Captain America shield?
A. Mackie: Enjoy it. The biggest thing for me, our first day on set; all these people I had known for over a decade now, and everybody just came up and said, ‘Congratulations.’ You know, it’s weird. Like Bob Moore, who’s my dresser on Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And you know, Russell Bobbitt, who did props on every movie I’ve been on. You know the Bobbitts did the props for Captain America: Brave New World. So it was just like that family thing where you see this character grow into fruition and get his moment to shine. So I’m glad that, you know, I was able to do it with a host of stars and friends that I started with.
Kevin, what elements made Captain America: Brave New World, a film that Marvel Studios wanted to produce. Why did you want this film in the first place?
K. Feige: Well, I mean, it was really all about Sam Wilson as Captain America. We saw him in the biggest movie we’ve ever made, Avengers: Endgame, we saw Steve Rogers pass [the mantle] to Sam Wilson. We want to continue that story. And it’s always about bringing new characters to the MCU, and this amazing cast that you see before you did just that.
Julius, we’re gonna go over to you now. What does it mean to you to have had the opportunity to direct this film?
J. Onah: It means the world to me, you know? The Captain America franchise is at the core of the MCU. Cap has always been a great leader of the Avengers. But then also the story at the heart of this is one is really exciting, intense, but also very emotional. And I was very excited about the theme at the core of this, and the way that everyone at Marvel and this cast leaned into this notion of empathy. Of seeing the best in each other. So when you get the chance to tell a story that is action packed and full of incredible visual effects, but also has great characters and a great theme, it really is a dream come true. And getting to direct a cast like this is absolutely amazing.
Harrison Ford, you have played a president before, but this one turns into a monstrous Red Hulk. Tell me about that experience. What was that like? And would you like for the Red Hulk to come back?
H. Ford: I hope he can come back. In which I hope he can develop into something other than the Red Hulk. I think we have the capacity to shift shape between “hulkness” and humanity. But that’s really not my department. I was very happy with the opportunity to play in this playground. What an amazing group of people to work with, and what an imaginative reality. So I was looking forward to having a piece of the action. I think the character was a great fit for me. I was honored to be able to do my work on top of a foundation that a wonderful actor like Bill (William) Hurt provided for the character. And the story is a wonderful extension of the stories that Thunderbolt Ross has been part of. And I think that I was, you know, I watched Marvel movies and some actors I really liked, really admired, had a great time. And I thought, hey, I want some of that!
Danny, you have taken over as Falcon now. What does it mean for you to be an important part of that, and of the Captain America franchise?
D. Ramirez: It’s been an absolute honor to, first of all, be entrusted to take over any mantle, let alone one as The Falcon, but one that Anthony Mackie himself established. And hearing his stories of the amount of letters he used to write Kevin to bring him into the MCU, to me, it really humbles me in regards to just getting the audition and the opportunity to walk into something that’s been established, but then also that paralleled my life at the moment, so much. Which was just admiring the ability to work with some of my heroes and being able to admire them on set. And that was a dream come true for both Danny and Joaquin. And that made the job so easy. So shout out Anthony, shout out Harrison. Shout out MCU!
For Nate Moore, what can we look forward to when Anthony Mackie hits the big screen as Captain America?
N. Moore: I think you’re gonna get what you love from Sam Wilson; a character who is charismatic and empathetic, but he has some new tools in this film, which I think are really fun. So we got to build action like we’d never done before. Again, this cast has sort of breathed life into this film in a way that I think our audiences are going to love. But yeah, as Kevin said, we couldn’t be more excited. I mean, the continuing story of Sam Wilson and seeing him take the mantle and own the mantle, I think is why I’m excited for this film.
Tim, it was really exciting to see your character return to the MCU. What is it about, you know, Samuel Sterns, The Leader, that you find most compelling?
T. B. Nelson: In this version, which is not the version I expected to play, I got to get better as an actor. And thanks to Kevin and Nate and Julius and the writers, they wrote a beautifully nuanced character, that was a wonderful challenge to play, and that I wouldn’t have been able to play 15 years ago. Because I don’t think I — hopefully anyway — was the actor then that I am now. What we want to do most as actors is continue to grow, and I feel like I need this maturity to be able to play what they wrote. And I’m incredibly grateful that they had asked me back, and I had a great time with such a phenomenal cast. I’ve known a lot of them for many, many years. And I agree with Harrison. One of the features of the MCU is the way they curate the world. They put serious actors in their movies. They don’t mess around in terms of shallow choices, in terms of casting, and that starts with Anthony, who has such depth and soul as an actor. But I would also say it applies to everyone on the screen right now. It’s great to be a part of that group.
Shira and Xosia, you both play bad ass ladies in this film. Can you tell us all about your training to pull that skill level off?
X. Roquemore: The training was so cool and fun. I got to do boxing, gun training, diving deep in everything “Secret Service” and “government.” I feel like me and [Shira] did a lot of stuff together, yeah.
S. Haas: Yeah. It was really long, months of training beforehand. Five times a week. You know, I love working out in sport, but it’s definitely something else and a whole new level. And it was a pleasure. And also you start to get into the character and into the world. And also something very different from me, from things that I’ve done before, which I think it’s truly a gift for an actress to do something different. And also exciting to be part of the MCU, specifically in this really incredible film!
Giancarlo, you have had an extraordinary acting resume spanning, believe it or not, 50 years. Now, you’re debuting in the MCU as Sidewinder. What makes this so special for you?
G. Esposito: I feel, you know, just really honored. Because to join the MCU is to join a franchise with a depth of integrity. And they’re making films that mean something, and that they are entertaining. But to me, the depth of this film is in its relationships. And the relationships that create empathy and friendship and trust, suspicion. All of these elements are tantalizing to me, and so I wanted to work with this group for a long period of time. And we know the story: There were some fan casting suggestions for me, but what tickled me the most was to be doing something that is new and different. And bringing a new character into this world. I have a great depth of respect for Anthony Mackie, and as Captain America. Who has all of the elements and charisma, but also the elements of leadership and morality, and someone who’s lived it. I have this saying, “you can’t lead unless you can follow.” Well, as we watch these movies, this character, Sam Wilson, you know, has been the guy who’s been in line, and someone who has watched, from behind the scenes, the world get to be what it is. And then he’s taken all of his courage and humanity and fearlessness to adapt to this world and choose to be on the side of good.
So all these elements are a part of my own life and my own growth. And I look at this film as a very personal film for me. Even though I played this character, I was saying earlier that there’s something about Captain America that I like. Even as Sidewinder, you know, there’s… a depth of respect and a depth of playfulness, and a depth of being someone that I recognize, and maybe wish that I could be. So this is what makes me get so excited. Because, you know, people are going to see this, and they’re going to relate on a much deeper level that connects them, not only to their family, but to other human beings in regard to how to live this kind of admirable life. So besides all that, it’s just wonderful to be a part of people who are mindful, like this team is mindful. You know, in my conversation with Julius Onah, and trying to figure out who this guy is and how we should work together, that mindfulness shows through the mindfulness of the bigger picture; of what this story is saying. But you know, as Nate Moore taught me, this is entertainment. This has got to be fun, and so all of those things play into the elements that make me very proud to be a part of this!
For Anthony, what are you most excited about in terms of bringing your Captain America into the Avengers franchise. And how does this movie prepare Sam for that?
A. Mackie: Well, this movie establishes Sam as his own being. His own entity or incarnation of Captain America. And the fact that he’s never taken the serum — the fact that he’s an everyman’s Captain America — I think that will have an effect, and will pay off greatly in the future of the franchise. Because he can give the perspective of the regular guy, as opposed to the super guy. And I think that’s something with the character that’s unique and rare, and that people you know can gravitate to and acknowledge and see themselves in.
For Harrison, what was it like to unleash the fury of the Red Hulk on set? And did you have any hesitations, or did you just go for it?
H. Ford: I just went for it. And nobody stopped me. Maybe they should have.
Kevin, what do you want audiences to take away from Brave New World? What’s a victory for you?
K. Feige: I think in many ways, the victory has already happened. But it’s that full acceptance of Sam Wilson as Captain America, right? That shield has been passed. And it feels like the audience knows it was passed to the right person. And I think this movie will solidify that more. And again, even just hearing all of the amazing cast speak today that is all poured into this movie… And it’s with great enthusiasm that I’ll see all of them in person for the premiere next week.
Captain America: Brave New World hits theaters Friday, February 14!

“Sam Wilson, the new Captain America, finds himself in the middle of an international incident and must discover the motive behind a nefarious global plan.”